...:::Something about religion:::...

Escrito por SaGa | Etiquetas: | Posted On domingo, agosto 14, 2011 at 12:49 a. m.

Many people may think that I am not interested in religion because of my way of facing the topic. In fact, I have to admit that I was the kind of person who didn't believe in "religion" at all. What used to come to my mind when I was 18 and heard the word Jesus or God, was nothing special, for me they were just words. I used to think that the only reason for people to pray was only self-interest but I was wrong. My mother taught me that I don't need a reason to pray. She prays because she has faith, spiritual strenght, and vitality that few possess. This can explain what I think about religion, I pray to God and I believe in a God but I am not sure if it's the God that all people in "my" religion believe in. By praying, I can reach a state of spiritual fullfilness and I'm not ashamed of saying so...